Multilingual and te reo Māori website development
I have extensive experience building bilingual and multi-lingual websites, with a special interest in te reo Māori. I hold a Diploma in Te Ara Reo Māori (level 5) from Te Wananga o Aotearoa.
Technical details
I'm fluent in the django framework, which has comprehensive tools for website translation and numerous 3rd-party addons to make working with languages easier.
In a typical scenario, general text used on the site would initially be written in English, with translators given access to an admin interface where each english phrase could be translated into Māori or other languages.
Dynamic content like blog posts and event listings would be authored in both languages through the admin. Users of the site would have the option to choose their language, although there are a number of alternatives to this model as detailed in this post
For enquiries, email me at